Today, we're going to talk about what you can do every day to propel yourself toward. your goals. Having a solid morning routine is going to change. So many things in your life. I'm not saying it's easy. It's simple, but in order to make it a habit, we must commit and be consistent in this lesson. We are going to create a morning routine for more peace, productivity and prosperity in your life and business. So what's on my plan about a good morning routine anyway, I do personally transformed my own life by setting up daily rituals at work. I have brought myself back from depression Financial ruin and a major Health crisis by creating a daily routine for myself. That work if set up properly, not only will your productivity Skyrocket, you will feel more at peace to focus grounded and show up better in the world. If you add the key components that I will teach you in the training. I promise you will get healthier more fit and even attract more money. Yes, implementing a better morning routine can help you become a powerful manifestor. I know you're already busy and feel like there are not enough hours in the day and you're thinking how can I possibly at anything else or get up any earlier? Don't worry. I got something to help you with that in this training a good morning routine can help you be more organized, get more done and even feel like it's adding more hours to your day. A magical morning routine can turn you into an empowered manifestation. God is helping you to create more wealth health and In your life every single day. So let's get started. First. I wanted to share the process of manifestation with you. Everything starts with a thought or beliefs are formed from experience, as well as what we were taught or what our parents believe, these beliefs and thought, then create our feelings are feelings, then in turn, create. our actions. So if I Planet feelings are negative or Fairbanks, the actions that we usually take will probably not be empowered ones. And the sum of our actions is the result that we are seeing in our lives. Right now. It's showing up in our body, our health, our pockets, and in our children, and the cycle, just continue your results in turn, create your thoughts, and beliefs, and so on, and so on. So, in order to get new result, we must take Empower actions. We must manage our feelings and be a watcher of our thoughts and beliefs with. You can only do if your being present, we're going to design a morning routine and rituals that will nurture each of these areas. We will create new and power and beliefs, and thoughts, using mattress and information. We're going to change our feelings and focus on beliefs and thoughts that make us feel good and Empower us anything. And like you want you only want because of the feeling you think it will give you once you obtain it. The truth is that you can have that feeling right now. By changing these three things. Tony Robbins one of my mentor said by changing D3 patterns, you can shift Energy and emotions, instantly. The first thing you can ship is how you use your body, move your body, and change your body language by sitting up straight. The posture of someone that is sick, or depressed is very different, from someone who is happy and alert. That's why movement is a big part of your morning ritual. Emotion comes from motion and your emotions are affected positively by exercise. What you focus on, focus on what you want. What makes you feel good? And empowers you instead of what you don't want, or don't have. And finally, what you say, your words have power. So be careful what you say, especially negative self-talk, because it will keep you stuck and impact your life in a negative way. Mindset and motions are everything and that's why I will take time each day to nurture positive empowering thought. Okay. So now that we know why we need a good morning routine and how to become a powerful manifest or we have to make it past our current daily habits and create new one. It's not always easy to make them stick. So here are a few of my tips to help you to be morning. Sabotage. First go to bed. You need to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep per night in the beginning. You may need a little more. If you're already sleeping 5, next set, your intention the night before. Think about, all you will be able to accomplish by Rising earlier with a purpose and how your life to look as result of sticking to your new daily habit. Make it easy have what you need ready to just roll out of bed and get your morning love. I was started for example, have your water on your nightstand, the night before have your workout shoes and clothes laid out. So you're ready to go, make it enjoyable. Choose workout that you enjoy learn to enjoy growing. Avoid eating heavy meals right before bed. Drink water right before you go to bed attached, new habits. The old ones. For example, attack exercising to brush your teeth, consistently exercise, right. After you brush your teeth each day, so that eventually, you think about exercising? Every time you brush your teeth, making it more likely for exercising to also become a habit, just do it. Push past your excuses and move forward with daily steps. No matter how small be consistent in order to become a habit. You must do the app regularly until it becomes second nature, and you do it without thinking, okay. So grab your magic morning makeover, Kidd and Billy loved journal. And the resources below this city, it's ideal. If you commit to at least an hour each morning before everyone wakes up to start your morning with self-care use, the sample journal page as a God don't get discouraged. You can't do a whole hour. Just do 30 minutes or 15 minutes. The key is taking consistent action. No matter. How small. What's your morning? Love our consist of? Cuz you are designing your day. Take 5 minutes to start your morning with Flow by drinking. At least an 8-oz glass of room temperature. Water at a squeeze of fresh lemon for more energy and better digestion, for 30 minutes. Move your body, 10 minutes stretching and 20 minutes of vigorous exercise. Such as walking. Jogging dancing, rebounding, Etc. This is for extra energy and to raise your vibration do 5 minutes of prayer and or meditation to connect to your source and tap into your inner self, 5 minutes to give, thanks with gratitude for. the people in your life and the things that you are thankful for this opens you up for more abundance and attracting more good. Things into your life 5 minutes of forgiveness, forgive yourself for anyone that you feel has wronged you. This is a powerful release to make you energetically lighter and bring more. Joy, into your life. 5 minutes of visualization, visualize the life you want. Imagine the specific things that you want to happen. The clearer you see it and feel it the more likely you can manifest it, take 5 minutes to affirm what you want in your life. By speaking positive words of encouragement and declaration replace any negative self-talk and out with positive affirmations. Like I love and approve of myself this journal, not only help you to create a powerful morning ritual, but it also helps you to stay on track throughout the day with actionable steps that help you. create and maintain a healthy body and accomplish your most important goals. So far as hydration staying hydrated, throughout the day will give you more energy 8 and elimination of toxins and waste. That may be slowing you down mentally and physically if also help with balancing your mood because it aids and body regulation and brain function, use the hydration checklist to make sure that you're drinking the minimum. amount of water, which is 8, 1/8 and up glasses of water or 64 Oz. If you really want to, make sure you're getting enough water, drink half of your body weight in ounces, for example, if you weigh a hundred and sixty pounds drink, 80 oz of water daily, Eat to. Live. Eat fresh vibrant food, eating plant-based as possible. With lots of greens and other chemical plant food plan, your healthy meals to not get caught in a destructive cycle of grabbing fast processed food. The energy plan can help you with that. Inside of the whole boys Clan. Identify your daily goals and what you want to accomplish for the day where the person or business related to Clara and more specific, you make your goals, the more likely you will achieve them. If your goal is to Broad, make sure your action steps are specific. Identify your specific action steps. You need to take to achieve your goals for the day and evaluate your day. The end of day valuation. Check in with yourself to see how you felt about your day. Your moves. Excetera. Is there anything you would change what you can work on or work too hard tomorrow? Give yourself some evening, love for more self support and empowerment and bedtime in order to set yourself up for success. for the next day, rest of the month. So, give yourself a realistic bedtime. To give your body a chance to rejuvenate repair itself and prepare for the next day. As you can see, this lesson have given you a full plan to create not only an awesome day. But an awful like an awesome life don't get overwhelmed. Take it one day at a time. Remember Perfection is not the goal but consistent progress is just commit to something no matter how small and just do it. You can build on that. You can do it. If you're not living a life that makes me want to jump out of bed. Each day excited to start your day. Then it's time for a change.